Chisels - Mallets
Raspatories - Curettes
Complete Sets
Pediatric Surgery
Bone Spreaders
Surgical Approaches
SDH surgical approach allows a 360° view of the acetabulum and a nearly 360° view of the femoral head.
Surgical treatments for femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) require working with very sharp and hard steel chisels and osteotomes with perfect cutting-angles.
Also the sophisticated designed Subtilis bone levers and retractors reduce soft tissue trauma and ensures optimal access in tight-spaces (minimally invasive surgery).
Subtle surgical techniques require subtle instruments
The aim of surgery for hip dysplasia (PAO procedure according to Ganz) is to reduce pain and increase activity levels.
In addition, the development of early joint wear (arthrosis) of the hip should be prevented or at least delayed, while at the same time minimising the need for a hip joint replacement (endoprosthesis) in the near future.
For both surgical techniques we have put together an optimal Instruments Set, with Prof. R. Ganz.
Option with both Sets:
Available with Retractors - Bone Levers for Pediatric Surgery
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